ITS 30th Anniversary

Jeremy Martin

Position Title
Director of Fuels Policy, Union of Concerned Scientists


Jeremy Martin is Director of Fuels Policy and a Senior Scientist in the Clean Vehicles Program at the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS). Dr. Martin works on state and federal fuels policies and has testified before Congress and state legislatures and briefed legislators and regulators on key fuel policies.

Dr. Martin is the author of more than 15 technical publications and 13 patents on topics including biofuels, autonomous vehicles, semiconductors and polymer physics. His recent reports for UCS cover transportation fuels and fuel policy, ride-haling and automated vehicles.

Before coming to UCS, Dr. Martin worked in research and development and manufacturing of computer chips at Advanced Micro Devices. Dr. Martin has a Ph.D. in chemistry and a minor in chemical engineering from the California Institute of Technology and a bachelor’s degree in chemistry and English literature from Haverford College.