ITS 30th Anniversary

Gil Tal

Gil Tal

Position Title
Director of PH&EV Center, UC Davis


Gil Tal holds a Ph.D. in Transportation Technology and Policy from UC Davis, and an M.A. in geography and environmental policy and planning from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Between 2008 and 2010 Dr. Tal was a post-doctoral researcher with the Center for Global Metropolitan Studies and the UC Transportation Center at UC Berkeley. His work at UC Davis and UC Berkeley focuses on travel behavior and the implementation of travel behavior related policies. At the PH&EV center Dr. Tal is leading projects on the future need for electric vehicle infrastructure, and the correlation between charging infrastructure, travel behavior and the demand for EV’s. He is currently leading research on number of projects including a study on local planning and deployment of electric vehicle infrastructure, a study on GIS tools for infrastructure planning, a multi-state study of new plug-in vehicle buyers, and a study on the secondary market of plug-in vehicles in California.